BigDecimal equality

Be aware that BigDecimal fields with values such as 1, 1.0, 1.00, … are not considered equal.

The Comparable interface strongly recommends but does not require that implementations consider two objects equal using compareTo whenever they are equal using equals and vice versa. BigDecimal is a class where this is not applied.

BigDecimal one = new BigDecimal("1");
BigDecimal alsoOne = new BigDecimal("1.0");

// prints true - 1 is the same as 1.0
System.out.println(one.compareTo(alsoOne) == 0);
// prints false - 1 is not the same as 1.0

Ways to resolve this error

If values like 1 and 1.0 need not be equal then this check can be disabled by suppressing Warning.BIGDECIMAL_EQUALITY.


If values like 1 and 1.0 should be equal then some options are:

  1. Do not use BigDecimal as fields. But unfortunately I cannot recommend a well-known generally accepted drop-in alternative.

    The argument for this: it is not great having to complicate classes with the options below. A valid equalsand hashCode is already easy enough to get wrong (option 2) and it is easy to forget and hard to validate BigDecimal fields have been normalised (option 3). More special handling in equals and hashCode moves against standardisation, such as making things easier e.g. Objects.equals, Objects.hashCode, or eliminating the need to think about it e.g. Lombok’s @EqualsAndHashCode or Java 16 (preview since 14) record classes: it is a shame having to add boilerplate for every @EqualsAndHashCode annotated class or every record class that has a BigDecimal field.

  2. Implement equals to use compareTo for BigDecimal fields and ensure values of those fields that are equal using compareTo will produce the same hashcode.

    EqualsVerifier checks this by default which causes the BigDecimal equality error messages.

    It wouldn’t be unwise to use utility methods as this is not as simple as a call to Java’s Objects.equals and Objects.hashcode. The logic for correct equality is:

     // true if bdField and other.bdField are
     // either both null or are equal using compareTo
     boolean comparablyEqual = (bdField == null && other.bdField == null)
         || (bdField != null && other.bdField != null && bdField.compareTo(other.bdField) == 0);

    A consistent hashcode needs a way to normalise the value that it represents. A simple normalisation is:

     // Remove trailing zeros from the unscaled value of the
     // BigDecimal to yield a consistently scaled instance
     int consistentHashcode = Objects.hashCode(bdField.stripTrailingZeros());
  3. Normalise the BigDecimal fields during your class’s construction (and setters if it is mutable) such that there is only one way it represents the same value for these fields. This means standard equals and hashCode can be used. For example, your class ensures all variants of 1 such as 1.0, 1.00, etc are converted to 1 in its constructor.

    A simple normalisation is:

     class Foo {
         Foo(BigDecimal bdField) {
             // Now if bdField is final it will only have instances
             // that are equal when compareTo is equal.
             // If mutable then setters will need to do the same.
             this.bdField = bdField.stripTrailingZeros();

    Unfortunately it is difficult to confirm this has been done. This check will then want disabling by suppressing Warning.BIGDECIMAL_EQUALITY and will not catch regressions.

If performance is important then you will want to consider the costs of using BigDecimal and of where and how normalisation is achieved. Option 2 performs the work when objects are stored in a HashSet or used as keys in a HashMap. Option 3 performs work on creation of each object but is then cheaper to hash. There may be better normalisations than stripTrailingZeros. BigDecimal already has a cost traded in return for its accuracy.

Why does this happen for BigDecimal?

BigDecimal can have multiple representations of the same value. It uses an unscaled value and a scale (both integers). For example, the value of 1 can be represented as unscaled value 1 with scale of 0 (scale is the number of places after the decimal point when 0 or greater) or as unscaled value 10 with scale of 1 resolving to 1.0. Its equals and hashCode methods use both of these attributes in their calculation rather than the resolved value.

There is more information on compareTo and equals in the Comparable Javadoc and Effective Java’s chapter on implementing Comparable.

There is more information on BigDecimal in its Javadoc (and its representation can be seen by printing unscaledValue() and scale()).
