EqualsVerifier should get 100% code coverage on your equals and hashCode methods. However, it can happen that it doesn’t achieve this. Below is a list of cases where it’s impossible to get 100% coverage, and their solutions.

If you have an example of a class where EqualsVerifier doesn’t give you 100% coverage, and it’s not in the list below, please let me know.

Mutation coverage

You can measure mutation coverage using a tool like PITest. However, EqualsVerifier will not get 100% mutation coverage on hashCode. Mutation testing will change operators like * and + in the hashCode implementation into other operators and check if the tests then fail, which they often don’t. The only way to get 100% mutation coverage, is to “pin down” the hashCode to a specific value, which is a form of overfitting. Therefore, it’s not desitable to have 100% mutation coverage on hashCode.

Using Lombok

Lombok always generates null checks in its equals methods, even if there is an @Nonnull annotation. For example:

public static final class Lombok {
    private final String s;

    public Lombok(String s) {
        this.s = s;

This class will have less than 100% coverage, because null checks are generated for the s field. EqualsVerifier will not check these paths, due to the @Nonnull annotation.

If you run into this problem, you can tell EqualsVerifier to ignore the annotation, like this:


Using canEqual

If you have a hierarchy of classes that each redefine equals and hashCode as described in this article, the leaf nodes in your class hierarchy tree won’t get 100% percent coverage.

Say that you have a hierarchy of Point classes, where Point has fields x and y, and its subclass ColorPoint adds a field color. ColorPoint’s canEqual method looks like this:

public boolean canEqual(Object obj) {
    return obj instanceof ColorPoint;

And its equals method looks like this:

public boolean equals(Object obj) {
    if (!(obj instanceof ColorPoint)) {
        return false;
    ColorPoint other = (ColorPoint)obj;
    if (!other.canEqual(this)) {
        return false;
    return super.equals(other) && color.equals(other.color);

Now, the return false; statement after the call to other.canEqual(this) will get no coverage. This makes sense, because it can only be reached if other.canEqual(this) returns false, which it will never do. Because of the instanceof check in equals, canEqual will always be called on a (subclass of) ColorPoint. But ColorPoint is a leaf node, so there are no subclasses. other will always be exactly of type ColorPoint, and other.canEqual(this) will always return true.

There are two ways to work around this, and still get 100% coverage:

  • Simply remove the canEqual check in the leaf nodes. I don’t recommend this, because it’s risky if you later decide to add subclasses to ColorPoint; then it will no longer be a leaf node in the tree. If you forget to put back the call to canEqual, you may run into problems.
  • Invent a subclass specifically for your test. It’s verbose, and ColorPoint can no longer be marked final, but it’s safe and correct. Your test will now look like this:
public void leafNodeEquals() {
    class EndPoint extends ColorPoint {
        public EndPoint(int x, int y, Color color) {
            super(x, y, color);

        public boolean canEqual(Object obj) {
            return false;

            .withRedefinedSubclass(EndPoint.class) // Don't forget to add this line

Note that this issue is not specific to EqualsVerifier; with hand-written equals test code you would run into exactly the same problem.

Non-standard equality code

Another way that EqualsVerifier won’t reach 100% code coverage, is with non-standard equality code. For example, given a Point class with fields x and y:

public boolean equals(Object obj) {
    if (!(obj instanceof Point)) {
        return false;
    if (x == 42) {
        return false;
    Point other = (Point)obj;
    return x == other.x && y == other.y;

EqualsVerifier will never execute the second if statement’s block, simply because it doesn’t test for all possible values. It can’t; it would take far too long. (For our Point class, assuming that x and y are int, it would take more than 232*232 comparisons.)

Of course, this is a contrived example (and many more are possible, for example using random numbers or environment variables). However, if you really do need non-standard branches in your equals method, you will have to test them manually; not just because EqualsVerifier doesn’t cover them, but because EqualsVerfier also doesn’t test them.
