Generics in EqualsVerifier, part 1: Overcoming type erasure
This is part 1 of a two-part series. This part deals with overcoming type erasure. In Part 2, we will see what EqualsVerifier can do with this generic type information.
Since version 2.0, EqualsVerifier is aware of generics. For instance, it can determine, at runtime, whether a class’s field is a List<String>
or a List<Integer>
. However, type erasure says this is impossible! If we call getClass()
on a list
instance, we’ll get a List.class
object, which is unaware of the generic paramter. How does EqualsVerifier do this?
Some background
EqualsVerifier works by creating instances of objects, filling their fields with carefully chosen values, and repeatedly calling equals
on them to see if something unexpected comes up. However, type erasure causes problems. Say we have the following class:
class ListContainer {
private final List<String> list;
EqualsVerifier can see that this class has a field list
of type List
. Versions below 2.0 don’t know anything more than that: they can’t determine that it’s really a List<String>
, because the generics get erased by the JVM. To work around this, EqualsVerifier simply instantiates a raw List
, puts in a few values of type Object
, and hopes nobody notices.
In most cases this works perfectly fine, because in most cases, an equals
method will just call list.equals(other.list)
. List
’s equals
method then simply calls equals
on each of its values and it doesn’t matter what the type of these values is. After all, every Java class has an equals
method that you can call.
In a small number of cases, this doesn’t work. For example, Android has a type called SparseArray
. It’s a generic type that contains a sequence of values, like an array or a list. However, unlike arrays and lists, it doesn’t implement its own equals
method. Calling equals
on a SparseArray
is like calling ==
on it: it doesn’t matter if two SparseArrays
contain exactly the same elements; if they’re not the same instance, they’re not equal. This means that a class with a SparseArray
field, has to ‘unwrap’ it in equals
public class SparseArrayContainer {
private final SparseArray<String> sparseArray;
// ...
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (!(obj instanceof SparseArrayContainer)) {
return false;
SparseArrayContainer other = (SparseArrayContainer)obj;
for (int i = 0; i < sparseArray.size(); i++) {
String a = sparseArray.get(i);
String b = other.sparseArray.get(i);
if (!a.equals(b)) {
return false;
return true;
Now, we get a ClassCastException
in the line that assigns an element of sparseArray
to a
: a
expects a String
, but it gets an Object
. Oops.
Because the generic type is erased at runtime, there’s no way around this issue. Or is there?
There is!
While it’s true for objects at runtime that their generic type gets erased, there is something we can use. In EqualsVerifier, we’re always inspecting a class and its fields, and it turns out that Java does retain the fully generic type of all fields in a class. You can use reflection to access this information. So, for our SparseArrayContainer
, we can do this:
Field f = SparseArrayContainer.class.getDeclaredField("sparseArray");
Type type = f.getGenericType();
if (type instanceof ParameterizedType) {
ParameterizedType pt = (ParameterizedType)type;
Type[] genericTypes = pt.getActualTypeArguments();
The type
variable has type java.lang.reflect.Type
, which is an interface with several impementations. The most important implementation, and also the easiest, is good old java.lang.Class
. However, our sparseArray
field is parameterized, so we’ll get an instance of ParameterizedType
On a ParameterizedType
(don’t forget to cast first; java.lang.reflect.Type
doesn’t declare a lot of useful methods by itself), we can call a getActualTypeArguments()
method, which gives us an array of Type
. The elements of this array are instances of java.lang.Class
. (As said before, java.lang.Class
implements the java.lang.reflect.Type
interface). In other words, genericTypes[0].equals(String.class)
. Yay! We have the generic type we want. The rest is just an exercise of filling in the blanks.
It turns out, there’s a lot of blanks to fill in.
First, we need to be able to pass around our new generic type information, where EqualsVerifier used to just pass around a java.lang.Class
. java.lang.reflect.Type
has all the information we need, but it’s very unwieldy. Time then to build our own container: TypeTag
. It looks something like this:
public final class TypeTag {
private final Class<?> type;
private final List<TypeTag> genericTypes;
public TypeTag(Field field) { ... }
// Getters, equals, hashCode left out for brevity.
In order to construct an instance, we’ll need a java.lang.reflect.Field
, because as we said before, we need that to access the generic types. (There are other ways to get them; for example, if we can make a subclass of a type and instantiate that, we can use that to instance to find the generic types. However, sometimes types are final and in those cases, making a subclass is impossible. Using a field is much more reliable.)
It does mean that we can’t get the generic types at the top of the chain, though. Say we have the following class:
public final class Entity<I extends Comparable<I>> {
private final I id;
// Constructor, getters, equals, hashCode left out for brevity.
There is no way to figure out that Entity
has a generic type parameter I extends Comparable<I>
if we only have an instance of Entity
. Fortunately, this problem is not as big as it seems, because in all cases, we only need to know the type parameter when it’s used. And when the type parameter is used, it’s used in a field. And we can get at the type parameters of fields!
However, we’re not done yet. Apart from java.lang.Class
and java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType
, our java.lang.reflect.Type
interface has a bunch more implementations, and we need to consider each one.
Consider once again the Entity
class above. When we have a java.lang.reflect.Field
instance of its id
field, we will get an instance of java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable
, which is another implementation of the java.lang.reflect.Type
interface. This gives us the name (in this case a String "I"
) and its bounds (Comparable<I>
, wrapped in some other instance of java.lang.reflect.Type
). The bounds are important, because we can’t assign a java.lang.Object
to id
, because that’s not Comparable
. Note that type variables can be bound to concrete classes (T extends Object
), but also to other type variables (T extends U
), which complicates matters. To make things even worse, bounds are often even recursive: T extends Comparable<T>
And it gets more complicated. Consider the following (not even very contrived) example:
public interface Period { }
public final class Per<T extends Comparable<T>, P extends Period> {
private final P period;
private final T value;
// Constructor, getters, equals, hashCode left out for brevity.
When we evaluate the types of period
and value
, we’ll have to match them up with Per
’s generic parameters. Note that I switched the order around, to emphasize that we can’t simply say that the first field we encounter in the class will match with the first generic parameter, and the second field with the second generic parameter. No, we’ll have to match the field’s type’s name with the generic parameter’s name.
Fortunately, there is one thing we can get from a raw java.lang.Class
object: the java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable
s it was declared with. Per.class.getTypeParameters()
returns an array of TypeVariable
So, if we want to determine the precise type of Per
’s value
field, we need value
’s corresponding java.lang.reflect.Field
, and Per
’s TypeVariable
. We’ll call the Per
class value
’s enclosing class. We’ll put Per
’s TypeVariable
s in a hash map, keyed on the names of the type variables, so we can more easily match them with the types of the fields.
Other implementations of the Type
The next java.lang.reflect.Type
implementation we have to consider is the wildcard, which can also have bounds. Fortunately, the wildcard only occurs on fields, not on classes, so it’s a bit easier:
private final List<? extends Point> points;
We can safely substitute a boundless wildcard with java.lang.Object
, and a bounded wildcard with the bound itself. In the case of the List<? extends Point>
above, we can simply pretend it’s a List<Point>
. Note that wildcards, as opposed to TypeVariable
s, can have upper (? extends SomeType
) and lower (? super SomeType
) bounds. Fortunately, we can treat them the same in this case.
Finally, there’s the GenericArrayType
. Fortunately, that one is pretty straightforward compared to the rest. We’ll not look at it in detail.
What do we have now?
All this effort allows us to determine the complete type of any field, and take from that the information that is relevant to EqualsVerifier. For example, take this class:
public class Container<T extends Comparable<T>> {
private final List<String> a;
private final Map<String, List<Integer>> b;
private final List<T> c;
private final List<?> d;
private final List<? super Class<?>> e;
private final T[] f;
This gives us the following TypeTag
s for its fields:
TypeTag(List, TypeTag(String))
TypeTag(Map, TypeTag(String), TypeTag(List, TypeTag(Integer)))
TypeTag(List, TypeTag(Comparable))
TypeTag(List, TypeTag(Object))
TypeTag(List, TypeTag(Class))
has a factory method that takes a java.lang.reflect.Field
and another TypeTag
that represents the enclosing type, which we need to resolve TypeVariable
s like T
. Then it determines what kind of java.lang.reflect.Type
the field is, and recursively resolves it. You can look at the implementation here.
A caveat
You might have noticed that I haven’t discussed multiple bounds, like T extends Interface1 & Interface2
, which are also allowed in Java generics. In all honesty, I only thought of them while researching this article. EqualsVerifier 2.0 has been out for several months by now, so I suppose these multiple bounds aren’t used often enough for people to have run into this. Nevertheless, it’s obviously quite high on my list of future improvements.
We have seen how we can determine the full, generic type of a class’s field. In Part 2, we will see how we can put this information to good use.